2024 Rescue Pacifica LSB Candidates

ELECTION VOTING DATES: August 15 to September 30 2024

Ballots are sent to each member by email and mail for those without email.

THE FULL STATEMENT OF EACH CANDIDATE CAN BE FOUND AT PACIFICA.ORG, ELECTIONS SECTION. You can also connect to each statement by clicking on each candidates’ photo!

Listener Candidates

DrRabab 2024 Rescue Pacifica LSB Candidates

Dr. Rabab Abdulhadi is a founding Director at the Arab and Muslim Ethnicities Studies Program at SFSU, member of the Board of Advisors of the National Students for Justice in Palestine, and author of over 80 articles and books in several languages.

Donna-Carter 2024 Rescue Pacifica LSB Candidates

Donna Carter is currently a KPFA LSB member and a Director of the Pacifica National Board. She is a longtime anti-war and anti-racist activist. She was a nurse contract negotiator and member of the California Nurses Association (CNA) She is a retired nurse.

stan-woods 2024 Rescue Pacifica LSB Candidates

Stan Woods is a lifelong activist. He wears several hats: former member of ILWU Local 6, member of the State Executive Committee of the Peace and Freedom Party, on ILWU endorsed Oscar Grant Committee Against Police Brutality and State Repression, East Bay DSA, and a former LSB member.

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Pathma Venasithamby is a software engineer, UC Berkeley retiree, Jewish Voice for Peace activist, and long time supporter of KPFA. Now, more then ever, in the Battle for Hearts and Minds, as we march onward to the cliff edge, distracted by our bickering leaders, led by the war mongers, above the cacophony of the corporate media with their endless nonsensical news, KPFA needs to raise a lucid voice.
Call out Human Rights Violations, Racism, Climate Change, and the dereliction of duty by our leaders. Help us make this happen.

VB-6-30-1-rotated-e1720314751565-775x1024 2024 Rescue Pacifica LSB Candidates

Virginia Browning is a former KPFA LSB member and previously served on KPFA local and national committees. She is a former co-chair of Standing Together for Accountable Neighborhood Development (STAND). She is also a former radio reporter, host, and producer.

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Phoebe Thomas (aka Phoebe Sorgen) is a former KPFA LSB member. She sits on the Social Justice Committee for Berkeley Fellowship of Unitarian Universalists, Berkeley, BCA Steering Committee and Move to Amend East Bay Steering Committee.

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Felipe (Phil) Messina is a member of the International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers (IBEW), has worked with Valley Improvement Projects and Modesto Cop Watch, and is a lifelong KPFA listener and supporter since the mid-1980s.

Michai 2024 Rescue Pacifica LSB Candidates

Michai Freeman is the former Chair of the Berkeley Disability Commission and is a Systems Change Advocate at the Center for Independent Living. She was a 2022 Berkeley City Council candidate .

Staff Candidates

anthony 2024 Rescue Pacifica LSB Candidates

Anthony Fest is a staff candidate (not on the ballot for subscribers). He hosted the KPFA Sunday News for 20 years. Currently, he produces the Project Censored Show and the Poor News segment of Hard Knock Radio.

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Miguel Antonio Perez is a staff candidate (not on the ballot for subscribers). He produces Las Voces del Pueblo on the first Friday of each month. It is part of the KPFA program, La Onda Bajita. He advocates for more Spanish language programming on KPFA.