Thank You, Listeners for Voting for Rescue Pacifica Candidates!
Here are the results of the election. Note that in any Pacifica Board election (Such as this) only half of the Board is up for the election. Attached at the very bottom of the results before they were distributed using the single distribution voter (STV) method. This called Round 1 and shows how voters originally ranked the candidates. The final results is Round 13 and it shows the candidates who won and will be seated at the December 21st LSB meeting. Runners ups are also listed. When any of the sitting Delegates whether new or continuing may withdraw before the next election. The next runner up will fill the position. At present at least 3 sitting delegates will be “termed out” Runners up will seated to fill their positions. At the seating of the Delegates at the December 21st meeting, Rescue Pacifica should have a total of 5 from this election. Our opponents will seat 7.
Elected Listener LSB winners
Rabab Abdulhabi RP
Virginia Browning RP
Donna Carter RP
Fred Dodsworth
Christina Huggins
Zach Kaldveer
Steve Kucala
Stan Woods RP
Carol Wolfley

Elected Staff
- Anthony Fest RP
- Sherry Gendelman
- Allegra Thompson
Listener Runners up Candidates
Andrea Turner
Pathma Venasithamby RP
Phoebe Thomas (Sorgen)
Akio Tanaka
Colleen Mast
Felipe “Phil” Messina PR
Michai Freeman RP
Staff Runners up Candidates
Cathy Piccou
Miguel Antonio Perez
Current LSB Members
- Emma Auer
- Daniel Borgstrom RP
- Donna Carter RP
- Michael Cheng
- Brian Crowell
- Cheryl Davila RP
- Fred Dodsworth
- Donald Goldmacher
- Leslie Howard
- Zach Kaldveer
- Lily Kimura Chair
- Carlos Kohan
- James McFadden RP
- Elizabeth Milos RP
- Candice Schott
- Catherine Tactaquin
- Mark Van Landuyt
- Steve Zeltzer RP
- Anthony Fest RP
- Sherry Gendelman KPFA LSB Counsel
- Philip Maldari
- Darlene Pagano
- Frank Sterling RP
- Richard Wolinsky
Non-Voting Members
- Christina Huggins Treasurer
- Carol Wolfley Secretary