Rescue Pacifica is an affinity group recommending a set of candidates running for the KPFA Local Station Board who are aligned with our no compromise platform to get KPFA and Pacifica on track.
What are we rescuing Pacifica Radio from? The forces trying to rip it apart: neoliberalism, voluntary bankruptcy proponents, seceders, and disrupters.
The only way we can speak truth to power in this time of societal dissolution united. United with integrity, both here at KPFA, and throughout Pacifica. No collusion with breaking up the 250 strong community radio network, watering down programming, throwing the foundation upon the mercy of the federal judiciary, or leasing off pieces of Pacifica.
The 2021 election is here

Rescue Pacifica Recommended Listener Candidates
James McFadden, current LSB member and research physicist at UC Berkeley who is involved in a half-dozen local to national political groups fighting oppression and corporate power.
Candidate statement Candidate debate
Adisa Armand, worked with young children and youth as a teacher of gifted students, and with teenagers at specialized schools for over thirty years, organizer with OCO and OCC, mediator on Local Neighborhood Council
Elizabeth Milos, active union member in UPTE-CWA 9119 Local 7, Spanish/English healthcare interpreter at UCSF, and a Chilean-American human rights activist who actively fights against neoliberalism, privatization and militarism
Candidate statement Candidate debate
Pete Farruggio, former professor of bilingual education, organizer of successful anti-Klan actions throughout California, and was an ILWU Local 6 Executive Board member
Candidate statement Candidate debate
Donna Carter, California Nurses Association member and local hospital staff nurse for many years, negotiator, strike leader, participant in the anti-war movement, supporter and ally of the Black Liberation movement, and more
Daniel Borgstrom, current LSB member for the past 2 1/2 years; before that, for over a decade, attended numerous LSB meetings & wrote articles about KPFA, was active with Occupy Oakland, Lake Merritt Peace Walk, & Veterans for Peace
Candidate statement Candidate debate
Rich Stone, KPFA listener for 25 years, former Community Advisory Board member (2015-2018), anti-war VFW, active Green Party member, long time American Postal Workers Union activist, delegate to the SF Labor Council since 2007
Candidate statement Candidate debate
Don Macleay, current LSB member, machinist, union member, shop teacher, retrained computer network engineer, small business owner, and a polyglot with a deep, antiimperialist international background
Candidate statement Candidate debate
Amber Jayanti, KPFA-KUSP listener for decades, author, teacher of pan-denominational Qabalah, and activist with Code Pink Women for Peace, Raging Grannies, Election Protection, No Nukes, Occupy, and Sanders for President.
For more information:
Hear most of them in the hour long debates on You Tube at
Short videos for each (or most) candidate(s) are at, as are their printed statements and questionnaire replies.
Here at Rescue Pacifica read their statements by clicking on their photo or names in the righthand column.
Please consider donating to help us get the word out!
Here is our platform:
We are a group of KPFA listeners and staff, who value KPFA in our lives, as well as the Pacifica Foundation and the services it provides to 5 radio stations in major metropolitan areas across the country, the historic archives, 250 local affiliate stations, and Pacifica’s role as the only nationwide community radio network in the US. We came together because others whose aims are counter to Pacifica’s mission statement and bylaws have been working to gain control of KPFA and the other stations.
We believe in:
- Reliable news from a variety of independent sources and the field, not the corporatized wire services
- An anti-war stance as opposed to support for “humanitarian interventions”
- Support for Julian Assange and other such journalists, publishers and/or
whistleblowers. - Air time for diverse grassroots community groups including during the morning drive time
- Bargaining rights for both the paid and the unpaid staff since the unpaid workers produce 70% of the station’s program schedule.
- Addition of new technology to broaden KPFA’s online reach. Expansion into video content.
- Vigilant free speech and anti-censorship radio
- Democratic governance and shared decision making among station workers and the community.
- Keeping listeners informed about governance matters.
- Restoring a democratic Program Council to Make programming decisions.
- Retaining independence from any privatized ownership.
- No commercial underwriting
- Responsible budgeting and timely and transparent financial reporting to listeners.
- Keeping the Pacifica Foundation intact.

DISCLAIMER: This is not an official Pacifica Foundation website nor an official website of any of the five Pacifica Radio Stations (KPFA Radio, KPFK Radio, KPFT Radio, WBAI Radio, WPFW Radio). Opinions and facts alleged on this site belong to the author(s) of the website only and should NOT be assumed to be true or to reflect the editorial stance or policy of the Pacifica Foundation, or any of the five Pacifica Radio Stations (KPFA Radio, KPFK Radio, KPFT Radio, WBAI Radio, WPFW Radio), or the opinions of its management, Pacifica National Board, station staff or other listener members.