Donna Carter, California Nurses Association member and local hospital staff nurse for many years, negotiator, strike leader, participant in the anti-war movement, supporter and ally of the Black Liberation movement, and more
Candidate Statement: Deciding to run for KPFA’s LSB has been something of a slow process for me over the years. This point in time offers the listeners, staff and Pacifica in general, an opportunity to adhere to Pacifica’s Mission and to turn the corner toward building cohesion and relevancy to our local community as well as to contribute towards the progressive push that is occurring in our country. I believe this has always been a part of our mission. This is why I have now decided that it is the opportune time for me to run for a seat on the LSB.
I want to help KPFA/Pacifica to be vigilant by maintaining our free speech leadership, and at the same time, work towards the essential financial and organizational cohesion that KPFA/Pacifica needs to survive.
In running for the KPFA LSB, I hope to bring my organizational experience, as a member of the California Nurses Association and local hospital staff nurse for many years. I have led and participated in strikes as well as developed skills to negotiate, organize and work with many different people. I believe these skills will allow me to be a very effective member of the LBS.
I have participated in many movements over the years including Open Admissions at San Francisco State University, the Anti-war Movement in the sixties, the fight to end the Iraq war, the continuing fight for universal health care, and the Black LIberation Movement. The welfare of my neighborhood, South Berkeley, is of great importance. I support the return of affordable housing the right of return of our displaced residents.
The leadership of Native people in the fight against climate change has opened the one issue that can unite our entire country. The events this past year have shown that we can make change and MUST do so!
What has this to do with being your representative on the LSB? Well, right now cohesion on the LSB is critical to the survival of the Pacifica Network, especially due to the Network’s current financial situation. Pacifica must continue and increase news and views about the issues that are critical to our listeners, with an alternative, non-mainstream voice, and have an appeal to new listeners as well.
Working in a highly structured organization, such as a hospital, has taught me the value of organization and the value of a broad participation of the staff, AS well as those who manage. Good conflict resolution is also A VERY IMPORTANT part of the process.
The right mix of collaboration for governing, both locally and nationally, is an ongoing process and is critical to the financial survival of the Pacifica Network. Therefore, I am endorsing Rescue Pacifica.
In conclusion, I hope to receive your vote to obtain a seat on the local station board.
Thank you,
Donna Carter

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