Stan Woods is a lifelong activist. He wears several hats, former member ILWU Local 6, member of State Excecutive Committee of the Peace and Freedom Party, on ILWU endorsed Oscar Grant Committee Against Police Brutality and State Repression, East Bay DSA, and a former LSB member.

Steve Zeltzer is an activist who supports labor unions. He produced the only labor show, Workweek which is no longer on KPFA. He supports the issues of the environment crisis, the fight against racism and terrorism against Blacks, Browns and LGBT peoples.

Elizabeth Milos is a Spanish medical interpreter and an active member of UPTE-CWA 9119. She is running as an incumbent candidate. She is running for the LSB on the Rescue Pacifica slate because she supports a united and intact Pacifica that is rooted in its legacy of radical and progressive thought and actions. Only a strong community-based presence throughout our entire signal area that responds to our network-wide problems and the other stations will solve our problems.

Cheryl Davila Former Council member is Founder of the Climate Action Emergency Mobilization Task Force Solutionsand Voices Against Violence. Her work continues with education and youth violence prevention. She is motivated to join forces with the LSB to ensure KPFA continues to broadcast on topics you don´t hear about on other platforms. As an LSB member, I will work wholeheartedly to ensure KPFA stays corporate fee, maintains our national network, and continues the legacy of being Anti-war and anti-racist.

Dr. Nayvin Gordon is a listener for thirty years, running to oppose war and support KPFAs’ mission-educating and organizing the people against militarism and war.

Pathma Venasithamby, software engineer, UC Berkeley retiree, Jewish Voice for Peace activist, long time supporter of KPFA.
Now more then ever, in the Battle for Hearts and Minds, as we march onward to the cliff edge, distracted by our bickering leaders, led by the war mongers, above the cacophony of the corporate media with their endless nonsensical news, KPFA needs to raise a lucid voice.
To call out Human Rights Violations, Racism, Climate Change and the dereliction of duty by our leaders.
We need all Americans on board to help us to make this happen.

Anthony Fest is a staff candidate not on the ballot for subscribers. He hosted the Sunday news for 20 years. Currently, he produces the Project Censored Show and the Poor News segment of Hard Knock Radio.

Rich Stone is a proud member of Vets for Peace, the American Postal Workers Union, Trustee on the SF Labor Council and County member of the Green Party. Rich comments, Though many semantical firewalls of distrust and sheer existential angst of the possibility of the station unraveling under the pressure of juggling finances and competing opinions of those nonetheless have to steer this public flagship of the Pacific Network to….sail on.

Edward Escobar is a San Francisco native. He is a member of the Rescue Pacifica slate of candidates. He says, ¨We come together as a group of listeners and staff who value KPFA in our lives as well as the Pacifica Foundation which includes five stations. We come together because others whose aims are counter to the Pacifica Mission Statement and bylaws have been working to gain control of the KPFA and the other stations.¨